Pierre Girieud peintre

Life and work of a modern painter

Pierre Girieud nudes

List of Nudes

nu au bas ( nude with stocking )1905 cadre_pet
nu au bas noir ( nude with black stocking )1905 nubas_pet
nu de profil au bas noir ( nude with black stocking in profile )1905 nubasprof_pet
jeune baigneur assis ( young seated bather )1906 jbaigas_pet
nu assis ( seated nude )1906 nuassis_pet
la douleur (the pain)1908 nupenseur_pet
nu assis de dos (back view of seated nude)1908 nuaddes08_pet
nu assis (seated nude)1908 nuassdes08_pet
Study of nude1909 cadre_pet
nude1909 nu_09_pet
nu debout de dos sur fond jaune ( back view of standing nude in yellow ground )1909 nuddfj_pet
femme nue debout 1 ( nude standing woman ) 1909 dessinnu09_pet
femme nue debout 2 ( nude standing woman ) 1909 cadre_pet
women study1910 etude_femmes_nu_1910_pet
nu assis fond jaune ( seated nude in yellow ground )1910 nujaune_pet
nu assis fond rouge ( seated nude in red ground )1910 nurge_pet
nu debout ( standing nude )1910 nudeb10_pet
nu debout de face fond bleu ( full-face view of standing nude in blue ground)1910 nudeb_pet
nu accroupi (squatting nude)1910 cadre_pet
femme assise fond gris (seated nude grey ground)1911 nuaschap_pet
nu debout de dos fond rouge ( back view of standing nude in red ground )1911 nuddfr_pet
nu de dos fond vert ( back view of nude in green ground )1911 cadre_pet
buste de femme ( half-length portrait of woman )1911 nubuste_pet
study for the standing nude with raised right arm1911 etnutroisqbdt11_pet
nu debout de trois quart bras droit tendu fond ocre ( standing nude with raised right arm )1911 nutroisqbdt11_pet
nu debout bras gauche levé sur fond rouge ( standing nude with raised left arm in red ground )1912 nudebfr_pet
dessin n°1 de nu debout ( drawing n°1 of standing nude )1912 nudebdes12_pet
dessin n°2 de nu debout ( drawing n°2 of standing nude )1912 nudebtisdes12_pet
dessin de nu assis ( drawing of seated nude )1912 nuass12_pet
nu fond gris ( nude in grey ground )1914 cadre_pet
nude woman1914 cadre_pet
Etude 1 pour Andromède ( first study for Andromeda )1919 andromede2_pet
Etude 2 pour Andromède ( second study for Andromeda )1919 nuabrlev_pet
Andromède 1° interprétation ( Andromeda first interpretation )1919 andromede1_19_pet
Andromède 2° interprétation ( Andromeda second interpretation )1919 andromede3_pet
nude 1922 cadre_pet
nu drapé ( nude with drapery )1922 nudrape22_pet
nu de face ( full-face view of standing nude )- study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse8_pet
nu de dos penché ( back view of bending nude) - study for arts of the stone deco ration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse9_pet
nu de face jambes croisées (full-face view of nude with crossed legs) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse11_pet
atlante - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse12_pet
porteur de brouette ( man carrying a wheelbarrow ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse6_pet
porteur de barre ( man carring a bar )-study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse4_pet
porteur bras levé ( bearer man with raised arms ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse13_pet
homme nu accroupi dessinant ( crouched nude man drawing ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse14_pet
homme nu penché sur une équerre ( nude man leaning on a square ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse15_pet
homme nu penché de face tenant une barre ( full face view of leaned nude man holding a bar ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse16_pet
homme nu accroupi de face tenant une barre( full face view of crouched nude man carring a bar ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse17_pet
homme nu porteur de sable ( nude man carrying sand ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse18_pet
homme nu de face marchant ( fullface view of nude man walking ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse19_pet
homme nu assis de face ( full face view of nude seated man ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse21_pet
femme nue de dos bras levé ( back view of nude woman with raised arms ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse22_pet
femme nue de dos ( back view of nude woman ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse23_pet
femme nue assise de face ( full face view of seated nude woman ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse24_pet
femme nue debout à l'enfant ( standing nude woman with child ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse26_pet
Ginette1923 ginette_pet
nu de rousse ( red-headed nude lying woman ) 1924 nurousse24_pet
nu de blonde ( fair nude lying woman )1924 nublonde24_pet
nu de brune (brown nude lying woman)1924 nubrune24_pet
femme nue assise ( nude seated woman) 1924 femmeass24_pet
femme nue assise ( seated nude )1925 nuassis25_pet
femme nue assise sur une fourrure Omphale ( Seated nude on a fur ) 1925 omphale25_pet
nu à l'écharpe noire (nude woman with the black scarf)1925 cadre_pet
nu à l'écharpe rouge (nude woman with the red scarf)1925 cadre_pet
nu au coussin rouge (nude at red cushion)1925 cadre_pet
Psyché femme assise ( Psyche, seated woman )1926 nuassistroisq26_pet
Léda fond bleu femme étendue ( Leda,  woman lying down in blue ground )1926 cadre_pet
Sémélé fond vert femme accroupie ( Semele, squated woman in green ground )1926 cadre_pet
Danaé fond lie de vin femme accroupie ( Danae, squated woman in dark wine ground )1926 cadre_pet
Europe fond rose femme assise ( Europa, seated woman in pink ground )1926 europe_meggle_26_pet
Antiope fond vert femme étendue ( Antiopa woman lying down in green ground )1926 antiopefv26_pet
nu allongé ( nude lying down )1927 nuallonge27_pet
étude de torse ( study for body )1927 cadre_pet
nu debout ( standing nude )1928 nudebface28_pet
torse de nu assis au bas noir ( seated nude with black stocking )1928 cadre_pet
la foi ( faith )- study for the Poitiers University1930 esquisse5_pet
La vérité (The truth)1931 verite_poitiers_pet
L'étude (the study)1931 etude_poitiers_pet
Experience1931 experience_poitiers_pet
Meditation1931 meditation_poitiers_pet
La foi (The faith)1931 foi_poitiers_pet
The invention1931 invention_poitiers_pet
The vocation1931 vocation_poitiers_pet
L'abnégation (Self-denial)1931 abnegation_poitiers_pet
nu assis ( seated nude ) 1932 cadre_pet
nu couché lying nude )1932 cadre_pet
nu de profil ( nude in profile ) - sketch1941 nuprofet41_pet
femme nue debout de face bras levés ( full-face view of nude standing woman with raised arms )9999 desnudebbl_pet
croquis de cariatide (sketch of caryatid)9999 cariatide_pet
croquis de nu de dos bras droit levé ( sketch of caryatid )9999 nudos_pet
croquis de nu coubé de profil ( profile view of sketch of bending nude )9999 nucourbe_pet
croquis de nu debout de dos bras gauche levé ( sketch of back view of standing nude with raised left arm )9999 nudebbglev_pet
croquis de pied ( sktech of foot )9999 pied_pet
croquis de pose de jambes ( sketch of pair of legs )9999 posejamb_pet
croquis de nu assis bras levé et membres ( sketch of seated nude with raised arm and members )9999 nuassblev_pet
croquis de buste de nu assis appuyé ( sketch of nude seated supported bust )9999 bustenuass_pet
croquis de trois femmes ( sketch of three women )9999 des3femmes_pet
croquis de nu assis (sktech of seated nude)9999 desnuassis_pet
nu debout de dos bras levés ( back view of standing nude with raised arm )9999 nudebdblev_pet
nu debout bras derrière la tête ( standing nude with arm behind the head )9999 nudebbtete_pet
nu debout marchant de trois quart ( three quarters view of walking nude )9999 nudebmarch3q_pet
nu debout mains derrière le dos ( standing nude with hand behind the back )9999 nudebmaindos_pet
nu debout tête penchée ( standing nude with tilted head )9999 nudebtpenche_pet
nu debout de face bras levés ( full-face view of standing nude with raised arms )9999 nufaceblev_pet
croquis de buste de femme/dos nu allongé ( sketch of woman bust )9999 bustefemme_pet
femme nue allongée ( lying nude )9999 desfemallong_pet
nu allongé de face jambes croisées ( full-face view of lying nude with cross-legged )9999 nuallongjc_pet
nu allongé de face bras replié ( full-face view of lying nude with folded arms )9999 nuallongbr_pet
Miss Aubé (model)9999 aube_pet
Miss Ledran (model)9999 ledran_pet
nu assis de trois quart ( three quarters view of seated nude )9999 desnuasstq_pet
nu assis jambes repliées ( seated nude with folded legs )9999 desnuassjrep_pet
nu assis trois quart jambes croisées ( three quarters view of seated nude with folded legs )9999 desnuass3qjc_pet
nu de face au collier ( full-face view of nude with a necklace )9999 nufacecollier_pet
nu couché au macaron ( lying nude with macaron )9999 fusnucouchmacaron_pet
femme nue debout portant un enfant ( standing nude woman carring a child )9999 fusfemmedebenf_pet
femme nue debout portant un enfant ( standing nude woman carring a child )9999 esquisse27_pet
homme nu assis par terre de face ( full-face view of nude man seated on the flour )9999 homterre_pet
homme nu genou à terre ( nude man with a knee on the floor )9999 homgenou_pet
jeune femme nue assise de trois quart (young seated woman in three quarters position)9999 jfbrascroise_pet