Pierre Girieud peintre

Life and work of a modern painter

Pierre Girieud exhibition

List of exhibitions

art fair0000
Collège d'Esthétique Moderne 1901
Berthe Weill gallery1901
Collège d'Esthétique moderne1901
1st exhibition of Collège d'Esthétique moderne1901
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1902
Berthe Weill gallery1902
Berthe Weill gallery1902
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1903
Sale exhibition by Mr. Delteil1903
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1904
Salon d'Automne1904
Tendances Nouvelles1904
Berthe Weill gallery1904
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1905
Salon d'Automne1905
Prath Maynier gallery1905
Berthe Weill gallery1905
22sd Exhibition of Union Artistique de Toulouse1906
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1906
Berthe Weill gallery1906
Cercle d'Art Moderne1906
Salon d'Automne1906
Salon de la Libre Esthétique1907
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1907
Salon d'Automne1907
Kahnweiler gallery1907
Legris gallery1907
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1908
show of Golden Fleece1908
Berthe Weill gallery1908
Druet gallery1908
Salon d'Automne1908
24th exhibition of Union Artistique de Toulouse1908
International Exhibition of Electricity Applications1908
Cercle d'Art Moderne1908
Berthe Weill gallery1909
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1909
Salon d'Automne1909
Exhibition of 16 artists of the Neue Kunstler Vereinigung (N.K.V.) association1909
Show of the first international exhibition of paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings1909
Cercle d'Art Moderne1909
Sale exhibition by Mr. Druet1909
Sale exhibition of prints and drawings by Mr. Delteil1909
Sale exhibition of prints and drawings by Mr.Druet1909
Galerie Marseille (Marseille Gallery)1910
Musée Moderne1910
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1910
Exhibition of 16 independant artists : Bonnard, Braque, Camoin, Derain, Van Dongen, Friez, Girieud, Maillot, Manguin, Marquet, Matisse, Puy, Redon, Vallotton, Verhoenven, Vlaminck1910
Show of the first international exhibition of paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings1910
Show of the first international exhibition of paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings1910
Show of the first international exhibition of paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings1910
Berthe Weill gallery1910
Sonderbound Westdeutscher Künstler1910
Second turnus exhibition of 29 artists of N.K.V. association 1910
Salon d'Automne1910
Manet and the Post-Impressionist1910
Vildrac gallery1910
Exhibition sale for the flooded1910
Galerie d'Art Contemporain1911
Cassirer gallery1911
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1911
Thannhauser gallery 1911
Salon d'Automne 1911
Exposition de la Société Normande de Peinture Moderne (Exhibition of the Norman Painting Society)1911
Neue Secession exhibition1911
Third exhibition of height artists of Neue Künstler Vereinigung (N.K.V.)1911
NKV exhibition1911
Müvèszhàz gallery1912
French Expressionist artists and the Blue Rider1912
Dei Futuristen1912
Verein L.I.A.1912
Salon de mai1912
Städtische Ausstellungshalle 1912
Hans Goltz gallery1912
Salon d'Automne1912
Grafton galleries1912
Sales exhibition by Mr. Druet1912
Sales exhibition by Mr. Druet1912
Boetie art gallery1912
Devambez Gallery1913
Armory Show1913
Berthe Weill gallery1913
Exhibition of artists of Magdebourg association1913
Armory Show 1913
Salon de mai1913
Hans Goltz gallery 1913
Salon d'Automne1913
Exposition Vente La Peau de l'Ours (Sale exhibition the Skin of the Bear)1914
Druet Gallery1914
Rosenberg gallery1914
Musée des Beaux Arts (Art Fine Museum) of Lyon 1914
Sale exhibition by Mr Druet1914
Choiseul gallery1914
Salon de la troisième armée1916
Druet Gallery1916
Sale exhibition of watercolours, pastels, drawings Hôtel Drouot Expert Loys Delteil1917
sale exhibition of watercolors, pastels drawings1917
Galerie Goupil, Manzi Joyaut1918
Rosenberg gallery 1919
Marcel Bernheim gallery1919
Nudes exhibition1919
Salon d'Automne1919
French art until 1914 Exhibition of Hamburger artist Association1919
Manzy-Joyant Gallery1920
Barbazanges gallery1920
Rosenberg gallery 1920
Manzi-Joyant Gallery1920
Salon d'Automne 1920
Exposition internationale d'art moderne (international modern art exhibition)1920
Bernheim gallery1920
Crillon museum1921
Sale exhibition of paintings Expert Hensel Maurice1921
Berthe Weill gallery1921
Exhibition sale of modern paintings, watercolors and drawings - Expert Hensel Maurice Henri 1921
Licorne gallery 1921
Salon d'Automne 1921
Bernheim gallery 1921
Salon de la Société Royale des Beaux Arts (Fair of the Royal Society of Fine Arts)1922
French art exhibition in Japan1922
Marcel Bernheim gallery1922
Druet gallery 1922
Salon d'Automne1922
Salon de la Folle Enchère1923
L'art français (French art) in Switzerland1923
La jeune peinture française (The young french painting) in Stockholm1923
Salon des Tuileries 1923
Barbazanges gallery1923
Licorne gallery 1923
Salon d'Automne1923
Modern Art1923
Barbazange gallery1924
Berthe Weill Gallery1924
Salon des Tuileries 1924
Salon d'Automne 1924
Exhibition blows by lawyer Bellier of works of numerous artists1925
Barbazange gallery1925
Henry gallery1925
Exposition d'art français contemporain au Japon (Exhibition sale of watercolours, pastels, drawings)1925
Le paysage contemporain (The contemporary landscape)1925
Painting Exhibition in Gand1925
Berthe Weill gallery1925
Charlet gallery1925
Exposition de peinture moderne (Exhibition of modern painting)1925
Salon des Tuileries 1925
Wolfsberg Gallery1925
Salon d'Automne1925
Salon d'Automne du Sud Est1925
Berthe Weill gallery 1925
Salon des Tuileries1926
Armand Drouant Gallery1926
Devambez gallery1926
Exhibition blows of modern paintings1926
Carmine gallery1926
Drouant gallery1926
Druet gallery 1926
Salon des Artistes Indépendants1926
Salon d'art alpin 1926
Salon d'Automne 1926
Art Center 1926
Berthe Weill gallery1926
Briant Robert gallery1927
Zivy gallery1927
Americain Women's Club1927
Blanche Guillot studio1927
Salon de l'Escalier1927
Salon d'Automne 1927
EDM gallery 1927
Berthe Weill gallery1927
Galerie de l'Essor1928
Druet gallery1928
Druet Gallery1928
EDM gallery1928
Mantelet gallery 1928
Salon des Tuileries 1928
Salon d'art alpin 1928
Salon d'Automne 1928
EDM gallery 1928
Berthe Weill gallery1928
French Art1929
Gilbert gallery1929
Exhibition of Lourmarin painters1929
Galerie d'Art Moderne1929
Exhibition gallery of Papiers Canson et Montgolfier1929
Javal and Bourdeaux gallery1929
Galerie Druet 1929
Salon du Printemps de la Salle Playel (spring exhibition of Playel room)1929
Berthe Weill gallery 1929
Deuxième Salon bas Alpin 1929
Salon d'Automne 1929 1929
Berthe Weill gallery 1929
Modern Art1929
Exhibition of stage sets1930
Exhibition at Figaro1930
1930 Gallery1930
number 23 gallery1930
Salon d'Automne 1930
Peintres et sculpteurs de Lourmarin (Painters and sculptors in Lourmarin)1930
Berthe Weill gallery 1930
Barreire gallery1931
Exhibition on the Liner Cuba1931
Salon de Printemps des Artistes Foréziens1931
musée de l'Orangerie 1931
Salon du Sud-Est1931
Berthe Weill gallery 1931
Charpentier gallery1932
Druet gallery 1932
Salon d'Automne1932
Exhibition of french art abroad1932
5th salon de l'orientine1932
Salon de l'école française 1933
Bûcheron gallery1933
Georges Petit gallery1933
6th Salon de l'Orientine1933
Salon de Printemps1933
Gala de Paris (Paris Gala)1933
Société Royale des Beaux Arts1933
Salon des Artistes Décorateurs1933
Salon des peintres orientalistes français 1933
Salon d'Automne 1933
Exposition de peinture de la Ville de Paris ( exhibition of paintings owning by the city of Paris)1933
Berthe Weill gallery 1933
Musée de sculpture comparée du Trocadéro, Sainte Chapelle1934
Druet gallery1934
Raffle for the benefit of Artists1934
Train exhibition1934
Cinquantenaire du Salon des Indépendants (Fithtieth anniversary of the Salon des Artistes Indépendants) 1934
Salon d'Automne1934
Salon des Artistes Décorateurs 1934
Charpentier gallery1935
Train exhibition1935
Salon de l'Art Mural1935
Spéranza gallery 1935
Druet gallery 1935
Salon d'Automne 1935
Salon des Indépendants1936
Salon d'Hiver1936
L'Atelier (The workshop)1936
Barreiro gallery1936
Pierre Girieud's exhibition1936
Twentieth international exhibition1936
Salon d'Automne1936
Palais de la Découverte 1937
Salon des Artistes Décorateurs1937
Artist Dispensary Lottery1937
Salon des Indépendants 1937
Exhibition of the society of painters and engravers Le Trait1938
Druet gallery 1938
Salon d'Automne 1938
exposition de peintures murales commandées par l'Etat (Exhibition of wall paintings ordered by the State)1938
Salon d'Automne 1940
Salon des artistes anciens combattants1941
Salon d'Automne 1941
Galerie d'Art de l'Etoile1942
Palais de Tokio1942
Le Salon1942
30th Salon of Decorative Artists1942
Salon d'Automne 1942
Salon de Toulouse1942
Elysée gallery 1942
Sale exhibition of paintings Expert Cailac Jean1943
Salon des Tuileries 1943
Printemps (Spring)1943
Salon d'Automne 1943
Salon des Tuileries 1944
Salon d'Automne 1944
Galliera museum1945
Sailing Exhibition of paintings Expert Schoeller André1945
Sailing Exhibition of paintings Expert Cailac Jean1945
Salon d'Automne 1945
Pierre Maurs gallery1946
Salon d'Automne1946
Charpentier gallery1947
Sélection gallery 1947
Salon d'Automne 1947
Galerie de l'Elysée 1948
Salon d'Automne 1948
Les visages parisiens (Parisian faces)1948
Lille Municipal Museum1949
Salon du dessins, hommage à queques disparus (homage to some great dead artists)1949
Salon d'Automne1949
Exposition Egypte-France ( Egypt-France exhibition)1949
Raspail gallery 1949
André Maurice gallery 1950
Painting exhibition of flowers1952
Peinture 41 gallery1952
Celebrities and discoveries of contemporary painting1953
Salon d'Automne 1953
Charpentier gallery 1957
Armory Show1958
The fithtieth year of Armory Show1963
L'art contemporain des collections du Quercy (Collections of contemporary art in Quercy)1966
Der Blaue Reiter im Lembachhaus1972
La Tartane 1974
Audibert et ses amis (Audibert and his friends)1975
L'arbre et ses fruits (The tree and its fruits)1978
Kandinsky in Munich 1982
Les orientalistes provençaux (The orientalists natives of Provence)1982
Le fauvisme des Provençaux (The fauvism by the natives of Provence) 1984
La femme corps et âme (The woman body and soul)1986
The Blue Rider1986
Jouvène gallery 1986
Trésor du Petit Palais de Genève (Treasures of Musée du Petit Palais in Geneva)1987
Peindre dans la lumière de la Méditerranée (Paint under the mediterranean light)1987
Peindre dans la lumière de la Méditerranée (Paint under the mediterranean light)1987
Exhibition 1987
Salon d'Automne 1988
Jouvène gallery 1988
Regards Fauves (Fauve looks)1989
Les maîtres du paysage provençal (Masters of landscapes in Provence)1990
1900 Toulouse et l'art moderne (1900 Toulouse and the modern art)1990
Caroline Serero gallery1991
Fauve Landscape1991
Fauve Landscape 1991
Marseille au XIX° siècle (Marseilles in the nineteenth century)1992
Musée des Monuments Français1993
Marseille au XIX° siècle (Marseilles in the nineteenth century)1993
De Matisse à Kandinsky (From Matisse to Kandinsky)1993
Neoimpressionisti, Nabis, Fauves del museo di Saint Tropez (Neoimpressionist, Nabis, Fauves in the St Tropez museum)1994
Peintres de la couleur en Provence (Painters of colours in Provence)1995
Pierre Girieud et l'expérience de la modernité (Pierre Girieud and the experiment of modernity)1996
Art center Sébastien1997
La Provenza de los pintores 1998
Der Blaue Reiter und Das Neue Bild (The Blue Reiter and the New Art) 1999
Le peintre et les baigneuses dans l'art moderne 1890-1960 (The Painter and the Bathers in Modern Art 1890-1960)2000
Le peintre et les baigneuses dans l'art moderne 1890-1960 (The Painter and the Bathers in Modern Art 1890-1960)2001
Quelque chose de plus dans la couleur, le dessin fauve (something moreover in the colour, the fauve drawing)2002
Nice Acropolis2004
La collection Agutte-Sembat (Agutte-Sembat's collection)2004
Acquisitions récentes (Recent acquisitions)2004
A la belle époque des Fauves (At the beautiful time of the Fauve)2005
Revenons à nos moutons (return to our cheeps)2005
Le Cavalier bleu (The blue reider)2006
Quand la tradition rencontre les avant-gardes (when the tradition meets the avant-garde)2006
Pierre Girieud 2007
Sous la poussière...l'œuvre d'art (under the dust... The work)2008
Femmes Passions2012
1912 Mission Moderne 2012
Francisco Durrio, sobre las Huellas de Gauguin (Francisco Durrio under the Gaugin's wings) 2013
Le nu de Gauguin à Bonnard, Eve icône de la modernité (The nude from Gauguin to Bonnard, Eve icon of modernity)2013
Ziem museum2013
Horizont Jawlensky 2014
Autour du Bateau Lavoir, des artistes à Montmartre et la Méditerranée (Around the Bateau Lavoir, about artists in Montmartre and the Mediterranean sea)2014
Vlaminck, Lalique, Picabia...dix années de donations et d'acquisitions du musée Ziem (ten years of giving and acquering by Ziem museum)2015
Vies silencieuses (Silent lives)2016
Musée Ziem2016
National Gallery of Ireland2018
Chabaud Museum2018
Jawlensky exhibition2021
MUDO - musée de l'Oise2022