Pierre Girieud peintre

Life and work of a modern painter

Pierre Girieud dessins

List of drawings

Montmartre 1900 montmartre_pet
caricatures 1900 caricat_pet
femmes (women)1900 femmes_pet
au cafe ( in the pub )1900 cafe00_pet
illustration of catalogue (couple) 1900 illust_catal00_pet
conversation 1900 conversation00_pet
au Palais ( in the law courts )1900 palais00_pet
conversation militaire ( miliary conversation )1900 convers_milit00_pet
femme ( woman )1901 femme_pet
attente 1 ( waiting )1901 attente1_pet
attente 2 ( waiting )1901 attente2_pet
relieved drawing1901 cadre_pet
pochade ( drawing ) 1901 cadre_pet
pastels 1901 cadre_pet
aspoisus 1902 aspoisus_pet
Les infirmes (the infirm)1905 cadre_pet
dessin n°1 des trois Grâces (drawing of Graces)1908 gracedes08_pet
dessin n°2 des trois Grâces (drawing of Graces)1908 cadre_pet
nu assis de dos (back view of seated nude)1908 nuaddes08_pet
nu assis (seated nude)1908 nuassdes08_pet
image pour Jeanne (pictures for Jeanne)1908 jeanneim_pet
Study of nude1909 cadre_pet
sur l' île de Lesbos ( in Lesbos island )1909 lesbos_pet
femme nue debout 1 ( nude standing woman ) 1909 dessinnu09_pet
women study1910 etude_femmes_nu_1910_pet
lundi ( Monday )1910 lundi10_pet
study for the standing nude with raised right arm1911 etnutroisqbdt11_pet
dessin n°1 de nu debout ( drawing n°1 of standing nude )1912 nudebdes12_pet
dessin n°2 de nu debout ( drawing n°2 of standing nude )1912 nudebtisdes12_pet
dessin de nu assis ( drawing of seated nude )1912 nuass12_pet
dessin des trois Grâces( drawing of the Graces )1912 gracedes_pet
Louisette Mille study for frescoes of Pradine1912 lmilledes_pet
Louisette Mille étude pour le berger de Pradine ( study of the shepherd for frescoes of Pradine )1912 lmilleberg_pet
Marie Gasquet étude pour Pradine ( study of the shepherd for frescoes of Pradine )1912 mgasquet_12_pet
Apollon and Marsyas 1913 apoletmarsyas13_pet
justice militaire ( military justice )1917 justicem_pet
Andromède ( Andromeda )1917 androm17_pet
Narcisse ( Narcissus )1917 narcisse17_pet
Pan et Apollon ( Pan and Apollo )1917 pan17_pet
Ariane ( Ariadne )1917 ariane17_pet
Léda ( Leda )1917 leda17_pet
selfportrait1918 autop18_pet
étude pour l'après-midi provençale ( study for afternoon in Provence )1920 etmidi20_pet
selfportrait1921 autop21_pet
musicien étude ( musician - study )1922 musmand_pet
nu de face ( full-face view of standing nude )- study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse8_pet
nu de dos penché ( back view of bending nude) - study for arts of the stone deco ration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse9_pet
nu de face jambes croisées (full-face view of nude with crossed legs) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse11_pet
atlante - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse12_pet
porteur de brouette ( man carrying a wheelbarrow ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse6_pet
porteur de barre ( man carring a bar )-study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse4_pet
porteur bras levé ( bearer man with raised arms ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse13_pet
homme nu accroupi dessinant ( crouched nude man drawing ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse14_pet
homme nu penché sur une équerre ( nude man leaning on a square ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse15_pet
homme nu penché de face tenant une barre ( full face view of leaned nude man holding a bar ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse16_pet
homme nu accroupi de face tenant une barre( full face view of crouched nude man carring a bar ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse17_pet
homme nu porteur de sable ( nude man carrying sand ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse18_pet
homme nu de face marchant ( fullface view of nude man walking ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse19_pet
homme nu assis de face ( full face view of nude seated man ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse21_pet
femme nue de dos bras levé ( back view of nude woman with raised arms ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse22_pet
femme nue de dos ( back view of nude woman ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse23_pet
femme nue assise de face ( full face view of seated nude woman ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse24_pet
femme nue debout à l'enfant ( standing nude woman with child ) - study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse26_pet
homme en toge ( man wearing a toga ) -study for arts of the stone decoration for the Court of the Trades1922 esquisse25_pet
carte de voyage ( travel map ) illustration for la Nef Arethuse ( Arethuse boat )of Maxime Girieud1922 arethuse22_pet
St Antoine dans son ermitage ( St Antoine in his hermitage ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep00_pet
l'abondance ( abundance ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep14_pet
la reine de Saba ( the Queen of Sheba ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep29_pet
montée à l'ermitage ( rise to the hermitage ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep39_pet
le pouvoir ( power ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep50_pet
les martyrs ( the martyrs ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep75_pet
la luxure ( lust ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep86_pet
les faux dieux ( the idols ) - illustration of la Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep115_pet
les vierges de Babylone ( virgins of Babylon ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep127_pet
Isis - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep139_pet
Judith - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep162_pet
le diable ( the devil ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep169_pet
la mort ( the death ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep181_pet
les animaux fantastiques ( fantastic animals ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep191_pet
St Antoine en prière ( St Antony in prayer ) - illustration of Saint Antony temptation of Gustave Flaubert1922 antoinep197_pet
Gabriel terrassant Satan ( Gabriel and the dragon ) - illustration of Smarh of Gustave Flaubert1922 smarhp202_pet
study for selfportrait1924 et_autop24_pet
Vaison l' Ouvèze ( the Ouveze river )1926 vaisonouv26_pet
selfportrait1926 autop26_pet
study for the portrait of Jacques Bainville1927 etbainville27_pet
portrait de Domnine - ( portrait of Domnine ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep0_pet
Rochegude 1st view - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep0bis_pet
Rochegude 2nd view - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep1_pet
ruelle ( alley ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep3_pet
haut de Rochegude ( top of Rochegude ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep7_pet
château de Rochegude ( castle of Rochegude ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep15_pet
rue ( street 1st view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep23_pet
ferme ( farm ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène 1927 domninep29_pet
arche 1°vue ( arch 1st view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep41_pet
pont ( bridge ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep53_pet
muraille ( wall ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène 1927 domninep57_pet
passage - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep61_pet
pont et église ( bridge and church ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep65_pet
entrée ( entrance ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep70_pet
fontaine ( fountain ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep73_pet
Rochegude 3rd view - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep81_pet
rue 2°vue ( street 2nd view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep86_pet
rue 3°vue ( street 3rd view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep95_pet
rue 4°vue ( street 4th view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep99_pet
petit pont ( small bridge ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep105_pet
maisons ( houses ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep109_pet
rue des Poternes ( Poternes street ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep119_pet
rue 5°vue ( street 5th view ) - Illustration dof Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep123_pet
Rochegude 4° vue ( Rochegude 4th view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep129_pet
toits ( roofs ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep132_pet
rue 6°vue ( street 6th view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep144_pet
arche 2°vue ( arch 2nd view ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep145_pet
cabane ( hut ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep151_pet
l'affut du loup ( lookout wolf ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep155_pet
orage ( storm ) - Illustration of Domnine by Paul Arène1927 domninep159_pet
tombe de Domnine et Trabuc ( grave of Domnine and Trabuc ) - Illustration du Domnine de Paul Arène1927 domninep167_pet
Henri Massis profil droit ( right profile )1928 massispd_pet
donnades ( women ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp10b_pet
la maison ( house ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp18b_pet
pont de la Roubinette ( Roubinette bridge ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp26b_pet
le saquet ( bag ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp50b_pet
village 2°vue ( village 2nd view ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp58b_pet
mas ( farm ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp82b_pet
pigeonnier ( dovecot ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp98b_pet
bergerie de Bronzet ( Bronzet sheepfold ) - illustration of Vie d'enfant (Life of child)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 enfantp122b_pet
la Reyranglade 1°vue ( the Reyranglade 1st view ) - illustration of Valet de ferme (farmhand)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet 1929 valetp4b_pet
la Reyranglade 2°vue ( the Reyranglade 2nd view ) - illustration of Valet de ferme (farmhand)of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 valetp20b_pet
ruelle 1°vue ( alley 1st view ) - illustration of Valet de ferme ( farmhand )of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 valetp28b_pet
chateau ( castle ) - illustration of Valet de ferme ( farmhand )of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 valetp52b_pet
ruelle 2°vue ( alley 2nd view ) - illustration of Valet de ferme ( farmhand ) of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 valetp76b_pet
ruelle 3°vue ( alley 3rd view ) - illustration of Valet de ferme ( farmhand )of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 valetp92b_pet
ruelle 4°vue ( alley 4th view ) - illustration of Valet de ferme ( farmhand )of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 valetp108b_pet
hameau ( hamlet ) - illustration of Valet de ferme ( farmhand )of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 valetp116b_pet
arènes ( arena ) - illustration of the Charretier ( carrier )of Batisto Bonnet - translation of Alphonse Daudet1929 charretierp26b_pet
Homère ( Homer ) - fisrt study for the letters for the Poitiers University1929 esquisse10_pet
Orphée ( Orpheus ) dress for Orpheus opera1930 orphee_30_cost_orphee_pet
Eurydice, dress for Orpheus opera1930 orphee_30_cost_eurid_pet
Eurydice, costume for Orpheus opera, second study1930 orphee_30_cost_eurid2_pet
l'ombre heureuse ( happy gost ) dress for Orpheus opera1930 orphee_30_cost_ombre_pet
trois personnages ( three characters ) dress for Orpheus opera (act 1)1930 orphee_30_cost_3pers_pet
furie ( fury ) dress for Orpheus opera (act 2)1930 orphee_30_cost_furie_pet
Orphée et Eurydice ( Orpheus and Eurydice ) dress for Orpheus opera (act 3)1930 orphee_30_cost_orpeurid_pet
5° nymphe ( 5th nymph ) costume for Orpheus opera (act 3)1930 orphee_30_cost_nymphe_pet
les trois graces ( the graces ) costume for Orpheus opera (act 3)1930 orphee_30_cost_graces_pet
bacchante ( bacchante ) costume for Orpheus opera (act 5)1930 orphee_30_cost_bacchante_pet
Descartes - study for the contruction for the Poitiers University1930 esquisse7_pet
femme ( woman ) - study of France glorieuse ( the glorious land of France ) for the Poitiers University 1930 esquisse2_pet
la foi ( faith )- study for the Poitiers University1930 esquisse5_pet
Le malheur et le bonheur ( The misfortune and happiness ) - illustration for the songs of sorrow and songs of happiness of Paul Fort1935 chant_35_pet
landscape of Saint Rémy- illustration of Almanach de Provence et du Comté de Nice1937 almanach_provence_pet
Claude Lombard - 3rd portrait 1940 claudel40_pet
Pierrot Bourgoin 9999 pbourgoin_pet
Maxime Girieud 9999 maxime_pet
femme nue debout de face bras levés ( full-face view of nude standing woman with raised arms )9999 desnudebbl_pet
croquis de cariatide (sketch of caryatid)9999 cariatide_pet
croquis de nu de dos bras droit levé ( sketch of caryatid )9999 nudos_pet
croquis de nu coubé de profil ( profile view of sketch of bending nude )9999 nucourbe_pet
croquis de nu debout de dos bras gauche levé ( sketch of back view of standing nude with raised left arm )9999 nudebbglev_pet
croquis de pied ( sktech of foot )9999 pied_pet
croquis de pose de jambes ( sketch of pair of legs )9999 posejamb_pet
croquis de nu assis bras levé et membres ( sketch of seated nude with raised arm and members )9999 nuassblev_pet
croquis de buste de nu assis appuyé ( sketch of nude seated supported bust )9999 bustenuass_pet
croquis de trois femmes ( sketch of three women )9999 des3femmes_pet
croquis de nu assis (sktech of seated nude)9999 desnuassis_pet
nu debout de dos bras levés ( back view of standing nude with raised arm )9999 nudebdblev_pet
nu debout bras derrière la tête ( standing nude with arm behind the head )9999 nudebbtete_pet
nu debout marchant de trois quart ( three quarters view of walking nude )9999 nudebmarch3q_pet
nu debout mains derrière le dos ( standing nude with hand behind the back )9999 nudebmaindos_pet
nu debout tête penchée ( standing nude with tilted head )9999 nudebtpenche_pet
nu debout de face bras levés ( full-face view of standing nude with raised arms )9999 nufaceblev_pet
croquis de buste de femme/dos nu allongé ( sketch of woman bust )9999 bustefemme_pet
femme nue allongée ( lying nude )9999 desfemallong_pet
nu allongé de face jambes croisées ( full-face view of lying nude with cross-legged )9999 nuallongjc_pet
nu allongé de face bras replié ( full-face view of lying nude with folded arms )9999 nuallongbr_pet
Miss Aubé (model)9999 aube_pet
Miss Ledran (model)9999 ledran_pet
nu assis de trois quart ( three quarters view of seated nude )9999 desnuasstq_pet
nu assis jambes repliées ( seated nude with folded legs )9999 desnuassjrep_pet
nu assis trois quart jambes croisées ( three quarters view of seated nude with folded legs )9999 desnuass3qjc_pet
nu de face au collier ( full-face view of nude with a necklace )9999 nufacecollier_pet
nu couché au macaron ( lying nude with macaron )9999 fusnucouchmacaron_pet
femme nue debout portant un enfant ( standing nude woman carring a child )9999 fusfemmedebenf_pet
femme nue debout portant un enfant ( standing nude woman carring a child )9999 esquisse27_pet
femme assise à l'enfant ( seated woman with a child )9999 fusfemmeasenf_pet
homme nu assis par terre de face ( full-face view of nude man seated on the flour )9999 homterre_pet
homme nu genou à terre ( nude man with a knee on the floor )9999 homgenou_pet